전립선염은 전립선에 발생하는 염증입니다. 전립선염은 서혜부, 골반 부위 또는 생식기에 배뇨통 또는 배뇨 곤란을 유발하는 경우가 많습니다. 전립선염에는 세균성 또는
Pubic lice (crab lice or ‘crabs’) are small, flat, light-brown parasites that cling to body hair. They’re easily transmitted through direct skin-to-skin contact during sex. They can also be spread by contact with towels, undergarments and bedding used by an infected person. Pubic lice can cause small red areas, sores, and itching.
골반염(PID)이란 STI(성매개 감염:성병)과 관련된 질환으로, 일반적으로 클라미디아 및 임질 등의 세균성 STI에 의한 감염으로 인해 발생합니다. 골반염은 질에서 자궁경부, 자궁내막(자궁속막)
백선증 (완선)
Tinea is a common fungal skin condition. It can affect warm, moist areas, such as skin folds e.g. between toes, groin and under breasts.
Scabies is caused by a tiny mite that lives underneath the skin. The female mite is only just visible to the naked eye, about the size of a pin head.
Syphilis is caused by bacteria and is contagious in the early stages of transmission. Without treatment, it can cause irreversible damage to the brain, nerves and body tissues.
Thrush is a fungal condition caused by an overgrowth of the yeast candida albicans, which lives naturally all over the body, including the mouth, vagina and anus.
트리코모나스 감염증
Trichomoniasis (trich for short) is a protozoan infection that causes inflammation of genitals.
Douching is a method of gently flushing the vagina or anus with water or solutions. Regular douching is not recommended,
Working on Your Period
Menstrual Sponges Menstrual sponges come in sterile packs and are manufactured, so there is less chance of vaginal irritation or
‘내추럴’ 또는 콘돔 없는 서비스
일부 주 및 지역에서는 구강성교, 풀 서비스 및 기타 활동을 위한 예방제(콘돔, 댐 및 때때로 글러브)의 사용이 법적으로 의무화되어 있습니다.여러분의
Penile & Testicular Health
Sex Workers Living with HIV
There has been a high level of misinformation and hysteria about people living with HIV doing sex work. Other sex
호주의 성 건강 검사
호주의 성 노동자들은 지역사회에 기반을 둔 성 노동자 단체, 정부 및 다른 기관들과 협력하여 성 노동자들에 의해 주도되는 빠른 대응
요로 감염(UTI)
요로 감염(UTI)은 세균이 요도로 침투할 때 요로에 발생하는 비전염성 세균성 감염입니다. 이는 성 매개 감염(STI)으로 간주되지는 않지만 성관계로 인해 세균이
Trick Sex
Variations that may be Mistaken for STIs
Checking clients for visible symptoms of STI can be challenging because there are many individual differences in genital and anal
Viagra & Other Enhancements
This resource has outlined the most common interactions and side effects for Viagra. However, many sexual enhancement medications have interactions
Abbreviations for Sex Work Services
Abbreviations or acronyms are used to shortcut the description of different sex work services. There are many variations, but the