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States and territories are responsible for administering the Mpox (formerly Monkeypox) vaccine within their jurisdiction, including how and where it will be available and who will be prioritised to receive the vaccine. Local risk factors, such as local outbreaks and vaccine supply, will inform these decisions.
You can find more information about Mpox on our Mpox (formerly Monkeypox) page.
Here is a guide to Mpox vaccination by state and territory:
NSW Health is providing JYNNEOS smallpox vaccine to community members at particular risk of exposure to Mpox in metro and regional NSW.
- An initial supply of JYNNEOS received in NSW in August has been used. Up to 30,000 more doses are expected at the end of September and 70,000 doses in early 2023.
- There are limited vaccination sites. Kirkton Road Clinic (KRC) is likely to be the main provider for sex workers.
- In the initial phase of the vaccine rollout, priority groups include:
- sex workers
- gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (MSM)
- those who would be particularly vulnerable should Mpox become locally endemic, such as MSM who are homeless
- high-risk people planning to travel overseas with known Mpox outbreaks.
- Based on expert advice, only the first doses will be given in the initial phase to achieve the best protection for the community. For maximum protection, a second dose is advised to be given at least 28 days after the first.
- People who receive the first dose will be invited to return for a second dose once additional vaccine supplies are received.
For further information and updates on vaccine eligibility and accessibility, please contact SWOP NSW on
Telephone: (02) 9184 9466
Last Updated: 26 August 2022
The JYNNEOS vaccine will be available free of charge for medicare card holders and specific priority groups. The initial consultation may not be free, so check with your healthcare provider first. Some clinics are only accepting appointments from existing patients.
For people who fulfil the eligibility criteria for vaccination and live in regional Victoria, please email your closest regional Local Public Health Unit (LPHU).
Mpox vaccinations will be available from the following metropolitan locations. Please note that most clinics have exhausted the current vaccine allocation.
- Melbourne Sexual Health Centre
- Thorne Harbour Health
- Northside Clinic
- Collins Street Medical Centre
- Prahran Market Clinic
Eligibility criteria:
- Post-exposure prophylaxis for high-risk close contacts of Mpox cases (within 4 days)
- Laboratory workers who analyse specimens from Mpox cases
- Sexually active gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (GBM MSM) (including cis and trans men) who
- Have had an STI in the last 12 months OR
- Intend to engage in sexual practices that put them at higher risk of STIs during overseas travel to Europe or North America before 31 October* OR
- Who attend sex on premises venues
- Sexually active GBM MSM (including cis and trans men) who are homeless or have significant drug use or psychiatric illness
- Sex workers who engage in sex with the sexually active groups listed above.
For further information and updates on vaccine eligibility and accessibility, please contact Vixen at or on (03) 9070 9050.
Last Updated: 24 August 2022
Queensland Health has worked with the Commonwealth Department of Health to
secure a limited supply of the JYNNEOS vaccine.
- Given the very limited initial supply of vaccines, Queensland Health is working with a range of partner organisations and clinical services to identify people most at risk of infection so they can be prioritised for vaccination.
- Additional vaccine will likely be available in Queensland in October, with further supplies in 2023.
- The rollout of vaccinations in Queensland will be staggered, initially prioritising close contacts and those at most significant risk of exposure to Mpox.
- People determined to be at high risk will receive a clinical assessment to determine their eligibility for the vaccine. Your healthcare provider will reach out to you in the first instance and invite you to be vaccinated.
- The supply and availability of vaccines is different in Queensland compared to NSW and Victoria, as the prevalence of community transmission of Mpox in NSW and Victoria is currently much more significant than in Queensland.
- As a result, a different response is required in Queensland to these states. Queensland will not be operating a centralised waiting list for Mpox vaccination, as is the case in NSW.
- All vaccinations administered will be recorded in the Australian Immunisation Register, the national register where your vaccinations are recorded.
- Due to limited initial vaccine supply, vaccination is likely to be offered through Queensland Health facilities and a few specialised general practitioners treating people with HIV.
- The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) have provided guidance regarding the key risk groups to be considered for vaccination.
- Queensland Health will retain a supply of vaccines to provide post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) for close contacts and any newly diagnosed cases.
- Queensland and other Australian jurisdictions are currently considering whether a single dose should be provided initially to increase the number of high-risk people vaccinated in the early stages of the rollout.
Last Updated: 15 August 2022
- Western Australia has been issued 1300 vaccines to start with and has now issued vaccines to a number of clinics that will now begin providing these.
- More vaccines will become available in the future. Magenta will update this information as soon as we know more about that timeframe.
- Magenta has received instructions that all male and trans sex workers in WA will be eligible for the first round of vaccinations.
- Some sex workers who see clients at higher risk or who have any form of immuno-compromising health condition may also be eligible for the first round of vaccination.
- WA Health has chosen not to publically release any other specific vaccination criteria, asking sex workers concerned about the risk of Mpox to contact any of the vaccine provider clinics listed below.
- Sex workers in WA can also contact Magenta for information on (08) 9328 1387 or the sexual health helpline on (08) 9227 6178 for information on the Mpox vaccine in WA.
The following clinics are key referral clinics through which to access the Mpox vaccines in WA:
To access the vaccine, sex workers are advised to report to any one of these clinics who will arrange your vaccination at one of the WA health vaccination sites.
Last Updated: 24 August 2022
Eligibility for Mpox vaccination in South Australia will now be broadened, and the vaccine will be available for the following priority groups:
- Post-exposure preventive vaccination (PEPV) for close contacts of Mpox cases
- Primary preventive vaccination (PPV) for
- HIV negative or HIV positive sexually active gay, bisexual or other men who have sex with men (GBMSM) (including cis and trans men) who meet any of the following eligibility criteria:
- staff and clients of sex on premises venues; OR
- STI diagnosis in the last 12 months; OR
- currently being prescribed HIV PrEP; OR
- intending to engage in sexual practices with multiple partners during overseas travel to countries with known Mpox outbreaks before 31 October 2022;
- sex workers whose clients include GBMSM; OR
- on assessment and recommendation from accredited HIV S100 Prescribers or publicly funded sexual health clinics, other individuals at high risk of Mpox.
- HIV negative or HIV positive sexually active gay, bisexual or other men who have sex with men (GBMSM) (including cis and trans men) who meet any of the following eligibility criteria:
Last Updated: 15 September 2022
Eligibility criteria to receive the JYNNEOS® Mpox vaccine have been expanded in the ACT.
People currently eligible to receive the vaccine are:
- Sexually active men (cis and trans) who are gay, bisexual or have sex with other men
- Partners of the people above
- Sex workers
Vaccinations are available at Canberra Sexual Health Centre, Hobart Place General Practice and the Interchange Health Co-operative. Further details about vaccine clinics and making a booking can be found under Mpox vaccination clinics.
The vaccine can also be used as post-exposure prevention for people with known high-risk exposure. ACT Health will advise on the need for post-exposure vaccination if you have been identified as a close contact of someone with Mpox infection.
Source: ACT Health
Last Updated: 13 December 2022
Northern Territory Health is administering the JYNNEOS vaccine to prevent the transmission of Mpox.
Accessing Mpox vaccination in the Northern Territory*
*Eligibility criteria will change soon when further stocks become available.
You are eligible to receive the Mpox vaccine if you’re at least 18 years old and can identify with one of the following areas:
- A high-risk close contact of a confirmed case (post-exposure vaccination)
- A gay, bisexual man or a man who has sex with other men (GBM MSM) (including cis and trans men) who meet the additional criteria*
- A sex worker whose clients belong to high-risk categories
- A sistergirl
Additional criteria:
- A GBM or MSM intending to engage in sexual practices that may put you at higher risk of STI
- If you have been in Europe or North America before 31 October 2022
- An Aboriginal GBM MSM person living in or visiting remote communities
- An Aboriginal GBM MSM person who is on Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)
- GBM MSM people who are:
- Homeless, or have significant drug use or psychiatric illness
- Significantly immunocompromised, including if you are a person living with HIV with a CD4 count less than 200.
No medicare card is needed to access Mpox vaccination. Existing files can be used, you may use any work name you’d like, and no private details are retained.
Vaccination Locations:
Clinic 34
Offers vaccines all weekdays to eligible people. You will not need to wait if you call Clinic 34 to book an appointment.
If you’re eligible, you can get the vaccine by calling Clinic 34 to book:
- 08 8999 2678 – Clinic 34 Darwin
- 08 8951 7549 – Clinic 34 Alice Springs.
The Darwin Clinic 34 has moved to the Royal Darwin Hospital Campus
Location: Nightingale Road, Red Wing, Building 4, (RDH) Royal Darwin Hospital Campus, Tiwi NT.
Time: Monday to Friday during business hours
Alternatively, you can call SWOP NT on 0447022332 for peer support to navigate the steps to access the NTAHC walk-in Mpox Clinic if you cannot get out to the Darwin Public Hospital in Tiwi.
Note – Darwin location only: NTAHCS Care and Support and SWOP NT programs can put through Mpox Vaccination referrals every Monday to access the walk-in NTAHC Vaccination Clinic in Darwin at 46 Woods Street on specified days.
Alice Springs
Location: Ground floor, Eurilpa House, 25 Todd St, Alice Springs
Time: Monday to Friday during business hours
Using a pseudonym
SWOP NT has successfully advocated a pathway for sex workers to be able to provide a pseudonym for use for scheduled appointments through the Northern Territory Department of Health Clinic 34 in partnership with NTAHC clinic. It is located at 46 Woods Street in Darwin, in the same building where SWOP NT is located.
Step 1
A JYNNEOS vaccine request form is required. The form’s purpose is to help the Clinic 34 doctor/s to prescribe your vaccination.
- The information required within the request includes;
- Your Medicare card number and the corresponding name on the card (write your preferred or pseudonym in brackets after writing the actual name)
- Date of birth, phone number, allergies, and any medical conditions to be noted, demographic of gender and/or Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Status
- The last section lists the vaccination eligibility criteria (e.g., sex worker, sistergirl or gay man). Circle whatever applies to enable eligibility to access the vaccine.
- The form should be sent directly to your Clinic 34 allocated doctor via email.
- You may also include your pseudonym in the email if you do not want to write it in the form.
- You can email the form/hand over the form through the SWOP NT Coordinator.
Step 2
The Clinic 34 Doctor will provide the Clinic 34 vaccination nurses with your pseudonym, date of birth, and authorisation for vaccination.
For more information on Mpox in the Northern Territory, visit the NT Health Mpox page.
Source: Monkey Pox (MPX) Vaccine
Last Updated: 13 September 2022
The Tasmanian Department of Health will have access to the newer smallpox vaccine JYNNEOS to help protect those most at risk. JYNNEOS will be available in limited supply in late 2022. It is expected that a greater supply will be available from 2023.
The Tasmanian Health Service coordinates the initial roll-out with this limited supply. It will focus on high-risk close contacts of cases and those most at risk. The vaccine will be available free of charge.
Eligibility for vaccine includes
- Post-exposure vaccination for high-risk close contacts of Mpox cases.
- Those at greatest risk of exposure and severe outcome, as outlined in the ATAGI guidance
Any questions about the availability of vaccines should be discussed with the immunisation team in the Communicable Diseases Prevention Unit (CDPU) by contacting the Public Health Hotline (details below).
- In an emergency, call ‘000’ (triple zero) for an ambulance
- You can also present to the emergency department of your nearest hospital or speak to your General Practitioner. Wear a face mask and call ahead to say you may have Mpox.
- For other queries, contact the Communicable Diseases Prevention Unit (CDPU) on 1800 671 738 (option 3 to speak to a Communicable Diseases Clinical Nurse Consultant) or via fax (6173 0821).
Last Updated: 24 August 2022