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It can be difficult to find a health service which understands the needs of sex workers and is not judgmental or discriminatory. There are a number of services which cater specifically to the sexual health needs of sex workers. The referrals listed below outline some of the medical services that provide testing and treatment services that have been reported by sex workers and sex worker organisations to be sex worker friendly.
We have contacted many of the services listed below to confirm whether they provide sexual health testing, require a Medicare card, and whether there are additional costs involved. In addition, we have cross checked these services with local sex worker organisations to make sure they are sex worker friendly.
However, be aware that the services listed below are subject to change and sex workers’ experiences at these clinics may vary. You can also contact your local sex worker organisation for additional information on sex worker friendly services near you, including any fees involved in accessing the service, whether a Medicare card is required, and whether they provide sexual health testing certificates for sex workers.
Some of the Aboriginal community controlled health services may only provide services or be free of charge to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients. For this reason, it is recommended that you contact the service before attending.
There are laws in place to protect health consumers. If your privacy is breached or you are discriminated against by a health professional, you may be able to make an official complaint to the service or the health ombudsmen in your state or territory. Refer to the Making Complaints about Health Care Services page or contact your local sex worker organisation for more information.
Due to COVID19 many healthcare centres and sex worker and LGBTIQ organisations have changed their regular opening hours and may require you to book in before attending the clinic. Some centres and organisations have completely stopped walk-ins. We recommend that you call in before attending the clinics listed below.
New South Wales
Medicare card not required. Free.
Sydney Hospital, Nightingale Wing
Macquarie Street, Sydney 2000
Tel: (02) 9382 7440
For men who have sex with men only (inclusive of trans men). Medicare card is not required. Free.
Tel: 02 9206 2000
Kings Cross
180 Victoria Street, Potts Point 2011
Level 1, 222 King Street, Newtown 2042
167 Oxford St, Darlinghurst 2010
Surry Hills
414 Elizabeth St, Surry Hills 2010
Medicare card not required. Free.
150-154 Albion Street, Surry Hills 2010
Tel: (02) 9332 9600
Medicare card not required. Free.
Above the Darlinghurst Fire Station
Victoria Street (entrance), Kings Cross 2010
Tel: (02) 9360 2766
Medicare card not required. Free.
180 Victoria Street, Potts Point 2011
Tel: (02) 9357 1299
Medicare card not required. Free.
16 Marsden Street, Camperdown 2050
Tel: (02) 9515 1200
Clinic 16 Sex Worker Walk-In Clinic
Medicare card not required. Free.
Royal North Shore Community Health Centre
Level 5, 2C Herbert Street, St Leonards 2065
Tel: (02) 9462 9529, 0401991970, or 9462 9500.
Medicare card not required. Free.
Sexual Health Clinic, St George Hospital
Ground Floor, Prichard Wing
Short Street, Kogarah 2217
Tel: (02) 9113 2742
Monday to Friday
Western Sydney Sexual Health Service
Medicare card not required. Free.
162 Marsden Street, Parramatta 2150
Tel: (02) 9843 3124
Chinese Interpreter Clinic – Wednesday 1.00pm-4.00pm
Mount Druitt
Kelly Close, (back of Community Health building) Mount Druitt NSW 2770
Tel: (02) 9881 1206
Medicare card is preferred. Fees apply. Free if you provide a Healthcare card, are under 18 years, or unable to pay due to financial hardship.
Tel: 1300 658 886
328-336 Liverpool Road, Ashfield NSW 2131
Tel: (02) 8752 4300
Ground Floor, 384 Hunter Street, Newcastle NSW 2300
Tel: (02) 4929 4485
13 Reserve Street, Penrith NSW 2750
Tel: (02) 4749 0500
Address: 2B/155 Macquarie Street, Dubbo NSW 2830
Tel: (02) 6885 1544
Address 24-26 Nelson Street, Fairfield NSW 2165
Tel: (02) 9754 1322
Sydney Outer Metropolitan Area
Click here for sexual health testing sites.
It is recommended that you call the healthcare clinic before attending to confirm what tests are available, the cost of the services, and if a Medicare card is required.
Regional and Rural NSW
Click here for sexual health testing sites.
It is recommended that you call the healthcare clinic before attending to confirm what tests are available, the cost of the services, and if a Medicare card is required.
Melbourne Sexual Health Clinic
Medicare card not required. Free.
Tel: +61 3 9341 6200
Free call: 1800 032 017
HIV Clinic (People living with HIV only): +61 3 9341 6214
Medicare card required. Bulk billing is available for people under 18 years. Additional fees apply for people over 18 years.
901 Whitehorse Road, Box Hill, Melbourne 3128
Tel: (03) 9257 0100
Freecall: 1800 013 952
Action Centre (Family Planning Victoria)
Medicare card is required. Services are free if Healthcare card is provided or for people under 25 years.
Level 1, 94 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne 3000
Tel: (03) 9660 4700
Freecall: 1800 013 952
Equinox (Gender Diverse Health Centre)
Free with Medicare card. Fees apply if no Medicare card is provided. For trans and gender diverse people only.
175 Rose Street, Fitzroy 3065
Tel: (03) 9416 2889
PRONTO! Rapid HIV Testing (co-located with Equinox)
Free with Medicare card. Fees apply if no Medicare card is provided. For men who have sex with men, trans and gender diverse and queer community.
Equinox shares a space with PRONTO! Rapid HIV Testing. Equinox services operate in the mornings and early afternoon. PRONTO! services start in the afternoon.
175 Rose Street, Fitzroy
Tel: (03) 9416 2889
Bendigo Community Health Services
Free with Medicare card. Fees apply if no Medicare card is provided.
Bendigo clinic is temporarily closed due to COVID-19.
165-171 Hargreaves Street, Bendigo
Tel: (03) 5406 1200
Female GP – Monday to Wednesday. 9am to 5pm
Sexual health nurses – Monday to Friday. 9am to 5pm
Free with Medicare card. Fees apply if no Medicare card is provided.
3 Seymoure Street, Eaglehawk
Tel: (03) 5406 1200
Sexual health nurse – Monday to Friday. 9am to 5pm.
Free with Medicare card. Fees apply if no Medicare card is provided.
137 Thirteenth St, Mildura VIC 3500
Tel: (03) 5022 5444
Sexual health nurse – Monday to Friday. 9am to 5pm.
Ballarat Community Health Sexual Health Clinic
Free with Medicare card. Fees apply if no Medicare card is provided.
12 Lilburne Street, Lucas
Tel: (03) 5338 4500
Sexual Health Clinic Opening Hours – Monday to Friday. 9am – 12:30pm
Your Community Health – Preston Trans and Gender Diverse Clinic
Medicare is not required to use the service. However, fees apply if no Medicare card is provided.
LGBTIQ Peer Navigator available.
Tel: (03) 8470 1111
300 Bell Street, Preston
Australian Capital Territory
Medicare card is not required. Free.
Canberra Hospital
Building 5, Palmer St, Garran 2605.
Tel: 02 5124 2184.
Sexual Health and Family Planning ACT (SHFPACT)
Medicare card required. Fees apply if no Medicare card is provided.
Level 1, 28 University Ave, Canberra 2601
Tel: (02) 6247 3077
Meridian (formerly AIDS Action Council) STRIP Clinic
Sex worker only clinic available.
Medicare card not required. Free.
Havelock House, 85 Northbourne Avenue, Turner ACT 2612
Tel: 02 6257 2855
Services are free if Medicare card is provided. Fees apply if Medicare is not provided.
Targeted service for ‘disadvantaged women’.
Call in advance to confirm testing is available before attending the clinic.
1/1 Moore St, Canberra ACT 2601
Tel: (02) 6205 1078
For more sexual health clinics in the ACT click here.
Publicly funded sexual health clinics do not require a Medicare card and are free.
Family planning clinics often require a Medicare card and fees may be involved.
It is recommended that you call the healthcare clinic before attending to confirm what tests are available, the cost of the services, and if a Medicare card is required.
It is highly recommend you contact Respect Inc for specific referrals to your nearest sex worker friendly clinician.
Respect Inc also provides a list of clinics in South East Queensland and Regional Queensland.
Publicly funded sexual health clinics do not require a Medicare card and are free.
Family planning clinics often require a Medicare card and fees may be involved.
Aboriginal controlled community health services require clients to become a member to access their services, require a Medicare card, and are free of charge. Some of the Aboriginal community controlled health services may also only provide services or be free of charge to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients.
Community based testing services, such as those provided by the Queensland AIDS Council, often do require a Medicare card and are free.
It is recommended that you call the healthcare clinic before attending to confirm what tests are available, the cost of the services, and if a Medicare card is required.
True: Relationships and Reproductive Health
Medicare card is not required. There are fees involved in seeing their nurse and getting tested.
True has a number of different testing sites in metropolitan, rural, and remote Queensland. Click here for a list of the locations.
They also have an outreach service that provides sexual health testing. Click here for a list of the locations.
Northern Territory
Sex Workers Outreach Project Northern Territory (SWOPNT)
Contact SWOPNT for more sex worker friendly referrals, including sex worker friendly GPs.
Tel: (08) 8944 7777
Mobile: 0447022332
Clinic 34
Medicare card not required. Free.
87 Mitchell Street, Darwin City 0800
Tel: (08) 8999 2678
Alice Springs
6 Gap Road, Alice Springs 0870
Tel: (08) 8951 7549
Corner Mathew Flinders Way and Chesterfield Court, Nhulunbuy 0880
Tel: (08) 8987 0357
Katherine Hospital, Gorge Road, Katherine 0850
Tel: (08) 8973 9049
Tennant Creek
Tennant Creek Hospital, Corner Windly and Schmidt Streets, Tennant Creek 0860
Tel: (08) 08 8962 4259
Free with Medicare card. A joining fee and other costs may apply if no Medicare card is provided.
Unit 2, The Clock Tower
Dick Ward Drive, Coconut Grove 0810
Tel: (08) 8948 0144
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Services.
Medicare card required. Free.
Some of these clinics only provide services to or are free of cost for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Call in advance to confirm what tests are available, whether you are able to access the service, and whether any fees apply.
Ground Level, Stage 4 CASCOM Centre, 13-17 Scaturchio Street , Casuarina
Tel: (08) 8931 5999
Randazzo Centre, 1/16 Katherine Terrace, Katherine
Tel: (08) 8912 4000
Alice Springs
5/74 Todd St, Alice Springs, Northern Territory 0870
(08) 8958 4544
Western Australia
Sex Worker Organisation. Medicare card not required. Free.
170 Aberdeen Street, Northbridge 6003
Tel: (08) 9328 1387
Medicare card not required. Free.
A Block, Alma St, Fremantle Hospital
Tel: (08) 9431 3145
Derbarl Yerrigan Health Service
Aboriginal controlled community service.
East Perth Clinic
156 Wittenoom Street, East Perth 6004
Tel: (08) 9421 3888
Mirrabooka Clinic
Unit 14, 22 Chesterfield Road, Mirrabooka 6061
Tel: (08) 9344 0444
Midland Clinic
Railway Workshop, 6 Centennial Place, Midland 6056
Tel: (08) 9374 1400
Maddington Clinic
Binley Place, Maddington WA 6109
Tel: (08) 9452 5333
Free, confidential services for young people aged 12-25 who need support with their mental, sexual and physical health and wellbeing and employment.
40 Fourth Road, Armadale
Tel: (08) 9393 0300
Unit 3, 18 Goddard Street, Rockingham
Tel: (08) 6595 8888
Medicare card required. Fees apply. However, SHQ generally do not turn away patients who are unable to pay gap fee due to financial difficulties.
70 Roe St, Northbridge WA 6003
Tel: (08) 9227 6177
Medical services are free if Medicare card and relevant healthcare concession is provided.
Medical services will infer a $25 service cost if Medicare card is provided without a relevant healthcare card.
Sexual health screenings without a Medicare card costs $20 and pathology will cost extra.
227 Newcastle Street, Northbridge 6003
Tel: (08) 6330 5400
Suite 6 Joondalup Lotteries House 70
Davidson Terrace
Joondalup WA 6027
Tel: (08) 6330 5400
Harm Reduction WA (formerly known as WASUA)
Medicare card not required. Free.
Suite 22/7, Aberdeen St, Perth 6000
Tel: (08) 9325 8387
Sexual health testing and treatment for men who have sex with men and trans and non-binary people.
Medicare card is preferred but not essential. Sexual health screenings are free, however, some services may involve an extra charge (e.g. Rapid testing is $20)
548 Newcastle Street, West Perth (corner of Cleaver St) 6005
Tel: (08) 9227 0734
Mobile GP clinic. Contact Street Doctor for more information.
Free. Preferably, they require a Medicare and healthcare card to see the service. However, they will not turn anyone away.
Tel: 08 9376 9200
Population Health Clinics
Call to find out where you can get a sexual health check in your area.
Medicare card not required. Free.
Coastal and Wheatbelt (Northam): (08) 9622 4320
Goldfields (Kalgoorlie): (08) 9080 8200
Great Southern (Albany): (08) 9842 7500
Kimberley (Broome): (08) 9194 1630
Midwest (Geraldton): (08) 9956 1985
Pilbara (South Hedland): (08) 9174 1660
South West (Bunbury): (08) 9781 2359
South Australia
Adelaide Sexual Health Centre (formerly known as ‘Clinic 275’)
Medicare card not required. Free.
1st Floor 275 North Terrace, Adelaide 500
Tel: (08) 7117 2800
Services are free if you are under 30 years and can provide a Medicare card.
You can get bulk billing if you are over 30 years and have a Healthcare Card.
However, if you do not have a Healthcare Card, SHine SA requires you to pay the total cost of the service after the completion of the consultation but will reimburse the Medicare component.
International students, travellers and people without a Medicare card are required to pay the full cost of the service upfront. If you have private health insurance, you can claim the costs of the consultation and medication on your insurance.
SHine SA has clinics located around metropolitan Adelaide.
Tel: (08) 8300 5300.
Fees apply. Cost may be cheaper if Medicare card is provided.
17 O’Brien Street, Adelaide
Tel: (08) 8231 4026
Aboriginal community controlled service. Medicare card required. Free.
New clients will be required to sign up to use services.
182-190 Wakefield St, Adelaide 5000
Tel: (08) 8406 1600
28-30 Brady street, Elizabeth Downs 5133
Tel: (08) 8254 5300
Nunyara Aboriginal Health Service Inc
17/23 Tully St, Whyalla SA 5608
Tel: (08) 8649 9900
Pika Wiya Health Service Aboriginal Corporation
40-46 Dartmouth St, Port Augusta
Tel: (08) 8642 9991
Ceduna Koonibba Aboriginal Health Service Inc.
1 Eyre Highway, CEDUNA
Tel: 08 8626 2600
Umoona Tjutagku Health Service Aboriginal Corporation
Lot 8 Umoona Rd, Coober Pedy
Tel: 08 8672 5255
Port Lincoln Aboriginal Health Service Inc.
19A Oxford Terrace, Port Lincoln
Tel: (08) 8683 0162
For more sexual health centres, see here.
It is recommended that you call the healthcare clinic before attending to confirm what tests are available, the cost of the services, and if Medicare card is required.
Scarlet Alliance Tas has a referral list of GPs that have completed the Sex Worker Awareness Training. This training is intended to support health professionals provide services that are non-discriminatory, non-stigmatising, appropriate, and accessible to sex workers.
You will need to provide your Medicare card to see the GP.
Scarlet Alliance Tas may be able to refer you to a bulk billing GP. If the GP does not have bulk billing, you will need to pay the gap. However, you may be able to claim the cost back from Medicare.
Call Scarlet Alliance Tas for sex worker friendly GPs in your area.
Sexual Health Service Tasmania
Medicare card is not required. Free.
No walk-in sessions. It is recommended that you book in advance.
60 Collin St, Hobart 700
Tel: (03) 6166 2672
34 Howick St, Launceston 7250
Tel: (03) 6777 1371
Devonport (part-time clinic)
23 Steele Street, Devonport 7310
Tel: (03) 6777 1371
Newdegate Street Health Centre
Medicare card preferred. There are costs involved.
Must book in advance to attend the clinic.
107 Newdegate Street, West Hobart 7000
Tel: (03) 6231 4109
Medicare card required. Some services are free if Medicare card and relevant concession card is provided. Additional fees may apply for some services and procedures.
421 Main Road, Glenorchy 7010
Tel: (03) 6273 9117
269 Wellington Street, Launceston 7250
Tel: (03) 6343 4566
1 Pine Avenue, Upper Burnie 7320
Tel: (03) 6431 7692
Headspace sexual health testing is provided for young people aged between 12-25 years.
Free. Medicare card is required.
Sexual health nurse is available on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.
Tel: 6231 2927
57 Liverpool St, Hobart