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Working online or by phone can take lots of different forms. Much like in-person sex work, you can either work privately or with a third party (like a commercial webcam platform or phone sex line). The amount of infrastructure and self-promotion you’ll need to do depends on how you choose to work.
This resource will explore some of the options for non-contact work and give you some things to think about and try out as you diversify into the digital sex work space.
Please note that mentions of platforms and companies are in no way endorsements! We are simply collating information about services you can use to move your sex work online – not endorsing any particular service. All come with different risks and rewards.
You should also check out your local state and territory sex work laws. There are limits to what you can put in your advertising – and this includes your advertising for online services. If in doubt, ask your local sex worker organisation.
- Online/Non-Contact Work Options
- Digital Privacy and Security
- Marketing
- What You Will Need to Get Started
- Adding Pizzazz to Your Online Persona
- Working for Yourself Online
- Getting Paid Online
- Working for Third Party Platforms
Online/Non-Contact Work Options
There are heaps of options for you to tap into with online/non-contact work. Here is a brief list, and the resource below goes into more detail for each type of work.
- SMS on your mobile
- Private phone bookings on your mobile
- Online live video bookings (Using Facetime, Snapchat, Zoom or other free platforms from your phone)
- BDSM/role-play sessions using SMS, phone or live video
- Selling pictures or videos online
- Sharing personalised dirty stories on email
- Virtual ‘Girlfriend’ Experience using SMS, phone calls and video calls
- Sending items in the post – ‘used’ underwear or socks, polaroids
- Joining a third party online platform for phone sex (they take a cut)
- Joining a third party online platform for camming, selling pictures and/or videos (they take a cut and may then “own” the pictures or videos, check terms and conditions)
For each of these activities, you will be calling on all of your sex work skills from your previous in-person work. It can be nerve-racking at first – but also really exciting! Once you do your first online booking or sale you will start to get the hang of it. You can lean on your local sex worker organisation for support and to talk through how it is going for you. If one method fails – try another one. There is something for everyone online.
Digital Privacy and Security
There are some simple steps you can take to minimise the risk of a privacy or security breach and to have good digital hygiene.
What will my online identity look like?
There is at least one decision you need to make before you start in online work. Will you keep your current sex worker identity, ads and clientele? Or are you trying to break into a new sphere with a new identity, new wig, different services and different name?
If you are planning to transition your in-person clients to online clients, keeping your current work name, and usual advertising will be beneficial to you.
If you want your online sex work to be separate from your in-person sex work, you will need to create a new work identity. This will require using a different set of devices (phone or laptop etc), in order to maintain privacy from your other work accounts.
Digital Hygiene 101
Before starting any online sex work it is important to do some work to prevent your personal information being inadvertently linked with your online sex work. If you already have done a full digital hygiene check for your sex work, and are confident with your privacy on your sex work-related accounts, you are ready to go.
If you are creating a new persona for your online work, and you don’t want your clients to be able to link it back to your in-person sex work identity, you will need a different set of devices to work from.
This hygiene check below is to make sure none of your personal or other work data is linked to your online work data or able to be tracked or compromised online. The boundaries will depend on if you are keeping it all separate from your current sex work identity.
- Create separate accounts for your online work email and personal social media. Use a separate device for work – this is one way to keep your work separate from your personal and/or other work accounts.
- Do a privacy check on all of your social media accounts using the ‘privacy’ and ‘settings’ sections of the menu. Do this on a regular basis, at least a few times a year.
- Use strong passwords and 2FA (two-factor authentication) for any services that offer it (email, chat applications, cloud storage, etc).
- Don’t use images for work that are also available on your personal and/or other sex work images. Images can be reverse-searched online, meaning people can use them to link your other identities.
- Use a Virtual Private Network or VPN (see below) to disguise your IP address and throw off your traffic trail.
- Turn off location services for any apps you use for work. Very important!
- Always update your work and personal devices (phones, tablets, computers, smartwatches, etc), because the updates often have important security fixes!
TIP: Some workers are putting all the links to their paid online work into a profile. This is a way to keep one consistent list of your multiple online platforms. If you send clients to your account from all your advertising, you only have to update your profile when you add or delete a platform.
Here are some resources on this topic:
What is a VPN?
A VPN or “virtual private network” helps protect your anonymity by keeping your location secret. They do this by making it appear you are connecting to the internet elsewhere. Proton, Nord, ExpressVPN, and Tor are examples of peer-suggested VPN providers. Free VPNs are available however, paid VPNs may offer better security and support. When choosing a VPN, consider data logging policies; kill switch; speed; latency; server and location availability; and customer support options.
EXIF stands for Exchangeable Image File Format, which is used in compressing image files (like JPEGS) and can contain information about the photo including the type of camera it was taken on, the technical settings of the camera, and even location data like GPS coordinates for where the photo was taken. For an example of what EXIF data looks like, upload a photo to this website and see what details are there.
Most devices will allow you to turn off location data for photos in the settings. It is recommended that you do this, but this will only ensure that the location data is removed. To remove the rest of the EXIF data from images before sharing, install a third-party app such as EXIF Eraser, open the app, select the image you intend to share then select Remove EXIF.
Here are a couple of resources for understanding EXIF data:
TIP: Ugly Mugs could set up a secondary camera in their space, that you can’t see, to film your private chat or video call with them without your consent. If a client in Snapchat uses the app to record the video or screenshot anything, Snapchat will tell you. In Kik, once the ‘chat’ is over, all records of it disappear for both users. Each platform has its own privacy measures, or not. If you are filmed or screenshot without your permission, you should consider reporting them as a UM so others do not experience the same mistreatment. You can also block them in the app to stop them from contacting you again.
The same advertising platforms we all used for full contact sex work are still around. For a summary of advertising platforms see here:
Now is the time to start including the online services you are offering in your advertising. Clients are stuck at home just like we are, they are browsing the ads, and fantasising about coming to see you; now you want to convert them into online clients!
TIP Any and all content you create for advertising or for sale – save it on your own hard drive or USB. You will use this content again, and again, and again. It’s worth storing and managing your pics and videos so that you don’t have to make new ones all the time.
Marketing uses terms such as “POD” (Point of Difference) “Value Adding” and “Upselling”. Whether selling motor vehicles, Real Estate, artwork or adult content, it’s all about sales. A useful tip when upselling is to offer 2 or more online or offline non-contact services as a package.
For example:
- If you offer webcam shows, you might want to throw in phone sex, SMS or selling pre-worn panties/boxers, with a slight discount ($5 off for example) for the second or third service.
- You can offer a VIP Discount on varied services or one service for clients who book your services regularly, as an incentive towards repeat business.
- You could use and offer Voucher Codes specific to each client if you like.
- You can offer membership to your Snap Chat for a month at a time, with access to snaps and a certain amount of face time a week, with a discount for clients who pay for six months upfront. This does not require Snapchat Premium.
The Point of Difference that you create in your advertising spiels is where it all begins. This is where you come up with the concept, look, feel or theme of what you are offering. It doesn’t have to be ‘up-market’ to be successful. For some workers, pics and chats that appear to be an insight into a sex workers ‘everyday life’ are a good selling point. For others, it might be all about foot fetish, or it could have the feel of a domination or humiliation service.
“Point of difference refers to the factors of products or services that establish differentiation. Differentiation is the way in which the goods or services of a company differ from its competitors. Indicators of the point of difference’s success would be increased customer benefit and brand loyalty”…
A simple online Thesaurus is a great place to start! You don’t have to be a literary genius, a poet or consummate professional with the written word, however, a little thought can go a long way. While pictures help capture attention, your spiel can help to hold that attention -creating curiosity and, hopefully, prompting clients to make contact for more information and how/when to book your service.
It is best to ask for permission before you send text messages or email specials, launches, incentives etc to clients as no one likes to receive unwarranted spam. Most email platforms, whether Gmail, Hotmail or others, have the option to create contact lists and pin email marketing spiels where you simply copy and paste emails or send to a group list that has been created. If you have a website with a mail-out option in the software this is also a useful database.
Don’t forget to ask your clients, for marketing purposes, where they found you. This is important to be able to gauge which advertising platform you use is the most successful. Repeat business can be your proverbial bread and butter! Staying relevant, in touch (with permission) and communicating with your clients in a way that is engaging, tactful and enticing is a useful tool. Communication can create familiarity, rapport, and pique further interest. You might find that the time invested is worth the effort.
What you’ll need to get started
Mobile Phone
For most online and phone sex activities you can simply use your smartphone.
Most recent mobile phone cameras are pretty good. For better control of videos and photos, you could use a separate webcam. Laptops with inbuilt cameras, phones, or tablets can have variable quality. You may wish to consider investing in an HD (high definition) webcam that plugs into your computer.
Some camming websites require Adobe Flash or other software that allows the process to run smoothly, so you may need to install some extra software on your computer in order to run a cam show.
Internet connection
Mobile phone connections may be sufficient. If you are working off your computer you will need reliable internet service at a suitable speed. A minimum of 1.25 Mbps upload speed is recommended. You can check this by going to Wifi is best (high-speed ADSL+ or NBN recommended). If you’re planning on camming from a smartphone or don’t have wifi, be aware that camming and video calls will lag, and may chew up your data. A VPN and virus protection are recommended for cybersecurity. For a lot of sex workers, a mobile phone is sufficient.
Indirect sunlight is a great (and free!) lighting setup. Shoot close to a window with light coming directly at you, or from the side. Don’t shoot in direct sunlight, as it blows out the image.
If you are using artificial light, ‘warm’ high wattage globes will help you to produce clear video images. Have a look at tutorials on how to create DIY ‘3-point light’ – this will help your content look great!
If for whatever reason, sunlight isn’t accessible, or you work into the evenings/twilight hours and your main source of lighting (fixed lights or lamps) don’t give you your desired outcome, ring lights can be a great source of lighting. They can help to produce a crisp professional look. Ring lights vary greatly in price and size; from smaller selfie designs that are useful if you are using your mobile phone to cam, to bigger ring lights that are useful for wider angled video and photoshoots (some come with mini or full-length tripods). Some ring lights are adjustable and cater to mood lighting and have brighter settings if required. A Google search can indicate where these can be found in your area or where to order them from online stores. They can also be found on websites such as Catch Of The Day, Groupon, etc. (suggestions only at the time of publication, you are encouraged to shop around) and can be found here:
Other Equipment (Optional)
Selfie sticks, tripods, mini tripods etc are all handy tools to use if you have them already or have a budget with which to purchase some tools of your trade. As with all equipment and lighting prices, functionality and accessibility all vary. Selfie sticks and tripods that come with a Bluetooth button for automatic start/stop are especially useful for pictures and pre-recorded video and those times where you need both hands during your performances.
Props / costumes / themes
Depending on the nature of your content, you may like to have an assortment of toys and other props available.
Performance tips
As always, trust your gut! If something doesn’t feel right, there’s a chance it isn’t. Some clients will try to take advantage if they think you are new, so decide on and stick with boundaries you are comfortable with. For example, clients may try to entice you with private Skype shows that use unfamiliar security, or payment options you haven’t heard of before. Be cautious about answering clients’ questions, and never give out your identity or location. Just be vague, or lie. Be aware of personal items in the background and avoid displaying pics of family or certificates that identify you.
Remember – you have all the skills you use for in-person bookings. Making it work online or over the phone is a new format – but the end goal is the same. Get paid, get them off, get the next client in. You got this!
Adding some pizazz to your online persona
Many thanks to the “Go Fuck Yourself” team in the NT for the following section
Making a GIF out of your images or videos can add visual interest & movement to your online advertising using
- Upload your photo or use the webcam button, and click the “GIF” button at the top left-hand side of the window.
- Click on the “MELT” or “WOBBLE” tools listed on the right-hand side of the window, check the “ON” box & adjust the intensity using the sliding bars. This will automatically transform your still photo into a moving image, you will look like you’re dancing!
- Hit the record button & after a few seconds a download window will pop up.
- Click download to save your new GIF file to your computer.
Converting multiple still photos into a showreel GIF for promo or sale using
- Upload your photos in the order you want them to appear. Adjust the speed using the sliding bar, leave the “repeat” option at zero for a never-ending animated loop.
- Ignore the “add music” option, GIF files can’t be saved or played with sound, the option is only there as a reference.
- Click the “Create Animation” button & check the speed & the order of your frames in the new window. If you need to make adjustments, do so & then click “Create Animation” again.
- When you’re happy with your GIF, click on the download or save button.
Turn short videos into a moving gif
Editing software for short videos
This will not be needed for live streaming, but simple video editing software will be useful for creating videos if you want to be able to cut out sections that don’t work, add a watermark, or put two separate videos together. More advanced software will allow you to blur faces or identifying features, adjust lighting and audio, etc.
These apps need some skill, you can search for online free tutorials.
TIP: It is recommended that you put what’s called a ‘watermark’ on your images when you are using them for promotion on social media or sharing with others. This means that if those images are shared, your username or performer name is branded into the image, which helps to protect your copyright and directs people to your online identity. Thus more clients coming your way, and no one using your pictures fraudulently.
Video categories you can market online
- Hardcore Solo (Masturbation videos of yourself)
- JOI (Jerk Off Instructions for them)
- Farting (yes farting)
- Yawning
- Giantess (where you film it to make you look huge)
- Looning (Playing with balloons, popping them at ‘climax’ of video)
- Tickling (yourself)
- Ignore (Videos of you ignoring the viewer)
Working For Yourself Online
Working privately online means that you organise all aspects of the transaction, without reliance on a third-party platform that does some of the work for you. This means that you don’t lose a cut of your fee, but also requires some extra work on your part, beyond just doing the work itself.
For brothel workers who don’t have regulars to fall back on, starting a new private sex worker persona to advertise digital sex work services might be a good way to adapt.
Selling services, content and items independently (without a third-party platform)
This can be a good option for those who only want to sell to clients they can have direct contact with before the transaction takes place. It’s also a good option for people who have regular clients (either from brothel or private work) who want to make the transition to phone or digital sessions. It’s also a good option for workers who want to connect with new clients they’ve met through social media or advertising, but can’t offer in-person sessions to yet. This can also be a great way to collect full service or part service clientele for the future.
Some ideas for ways to connect with your regular or new clients independently:
- Selling custom images or videos
- Selling clothing or objects eg. worn panties, boxers etc Australia post pre-paid satchels are available singularly or in multiple packs for a small discount from any Australia Post Shop, alternatively these items can be picked up, delivered or left in a safe place, to be organised directly with clients if they are more localised to you.
- Cheap underwear can be found in many places. A great website for bulk buying is as one example for plain cotton bikini briefs, g-strings, boyleg and boxers etc
- Selling printed media
- Offering phone or video sessions
- Offering social time
- Writing sexy stories or recording audio clips
- Take deposits for future in-person sessions. You can guarantee future contact work with regulars in exchange for a deposit or partial payment now.
- Offer a comprehensive virtual girlfriend/boyfriend service consisting of text, email, pictures and phone calls.
- Ask clients to donate to or ‘tribute’ you. Ask clients to tribute to your rent, bills, or mortgage, rather than buying gifts.
- Sell your used underwear, used socks, used stockings, used sex toys, used shoes ( and Polaroid nude pictures.
In order to do any of these, you will need to be able to communicate directly with clients, take payment from them, and deliver the content or service.
Platforms you can use for private video chat
Get the money upfront first through a separate payment method.
- Many people get away with Skype!
- Kik
- Zoom (does have some security issues detailed here and here)
- Facetime
- Instagram video (Direct Messages)
- Snapchat
Platforms you can use for sending content
Sending images can happen via email, MMS, or even on some social media platforms (check the Terms and Conditions!). It is recommended to use encrypted messaging where possible (this means that the data transmitted can only be opened by the intended receiver and is not able to be intercepted along the way).
Cloud services (Dropbox, WeTransfer, Google Drive, OneDrive) are the best way for transmitting large files like video or audio. If the media file is only on the cloud service for a short time and is deleted once it’s downloaded by the client, this is relatively low-risk. It is recommended to have a cloud service account that is specific to your work, and not to mix personal and work media on your cloud service.
You could also post the content to the client directly by putting it on a USB device. These are inexpensive to buy.
There have been instances of sex workers’ cloud service accounts being deleted, resulting in loss of data and important intellectual property. Be sure to back up anything you make that you might want to access again on a local drive (preferably an external hard drive that you don’t carry around with you) so that if your account is deleted, you don’t lose that data.
Platforms where you can advertise yourself, communicate with customers, and organise online bookings without paying a cut to the platform
TIP: this will mean organising and receiving the payment and receiving it before doing the online booking.
- Kik Messenger,
- WeChat
- Snapchat Be sure to follow Terms and Conditions. Please note that peers have reported having their adult content accounts deleted or suspended, so it might be advisable not to make this your only advertising or selling method. note: Premium Snapchat is different.
- Twitter (read and follow the Terms and Conditions, and be aware that sex workers are often shadowbanned or have accounts suspended or deleted on this platform). For more information see here
- Instagram (read and follow the Terms and Conditions, and be aware that sex workers are often shadowbanned or have accounts suspended or deleted on this platform)
- Some sites are now setting up online options, though not clear if they will take a cut of money exchanged. This could include Locanto, Scarlet Blue, Escorts and Babes.
Getting Paid Online
If your client is in Australia, the quickest and most anonymous payment option is an app called Beemit. The app was designed to make it easy to transfer money to share bills and is also used for point-of-sale for lots of small businesses, so there’s no reason it needs to identify you to your bank or to other users as a sex worker as long as you use a username and transaction note that doesn’t identify you as such.
The app is quick to set up but does require that you have an Australian bank account and government-issued ID (like a drivers license or Medicare card). Again, this will not identify that you are using it for sex work! The only thing your client sees is your username, and the only thing you see is your client’s username. The transaction will appear on your bank statement as ‘POS refund xxxxxx BEEM IT’.
Transactions are instant. Only good reviews so far. We have not heard any reports of any being reversed.
Direct deposit into your account
You only have to give your BSB and account number for a client to be able to make a direct deposit into your account. They can do it via money transfer directly from their account, cash over the counter at a bank, and also some ATMs will allow for a cash deposit into another account. Do not give out your name when telling the client your bank details. Make sure the payment has cleared prior to doing the service.
Online gift card
This generally only requires your email address and your client’s email address and will appear on the client’s statement as a sale for the retailer it’s for. There are online gift cards for everything, including groceries, iTunes, Uber, department stores, and pretty much any retailer you can imagine (and some services too!). Some stores allow for gift card cancellation though – Honey Birdette is one.
Some platforms for gift cards
Some workers are using these, no reports of how successful it is yet. No reports of fraud so far.
Travel credit cards
BPAY loads onto travel credit cards: banks and airline frequent flyer programs offer ‘travel credit cards’ which are cards you load funds onto when you are travelling overseas so that you aren’t trying to use your usual debit card internationally, which carries fraud risk. These cards can be loaded by credit card, bank transfer or BPAY, and BPAY is the most anonymous way for your client to pay. It does tend to take a few days to clear into your account, so is better for use if you’re not in a rush.
There is no way to block your legal name on Transferwise. The benefit is that it is quick, you can remove the money straight away into your account, and it accepts overseas payments. Be sure to check the money exchange rate for overseas payments, as these change daily.
Other platforms for receiving payment
No reviews of these platforms yet.
Cryptocurrency, also known as BlockChain
Bitpay, Coinbase, Verotel, Redpass, WooCommerce, Eway, IcePay and Paxam have all been reviewed as sex worker-friendly.
SpankPay is specifically for sex workers, but we don’t have any reviews.
Some articles BlockChain here:
Payment platforms NOT recommended:
- Please note that PayID / Osko is NOT recommended PayID / Osko: This is a new technology and has had multiple security breaches since it’s been released! Wait on this one, don’t use it for work.
- Paypal: Paypal specifically excludes the use of their platform for adult content sales or adult services payments. They are notorious for suspending accounts, taking the funds that are in them, and then blocking access to their services. Some sex workers have managed to use Paypal without being detected. It is important to make sure that your privacy is protected and your identity is not disclosed to the person making the payment, which is not available on all Paypal account types.
- Square and Stripe are payment-processing services that allow you to take credit card payments online. They are often the services used when you use accounting software like Xero, Wave, or Quickbooks to invoice clients and get paid. These are not SW-friendly companies. There are reports of Square deleting accounts and keeping SW funds, and also of Stripe deleting accounts but allowing payout of existing funds.
- Amazon will cancel your account and take all of your money if you are reported. Using it for sex work is against its Terms and Conditions.
- Other sites with bad reputations: GiftRocket, Venmo, Google Wallet, Snapcash, Pioneer, Skrill, 2CheckOut, Intuit, Braintree, Circle,
Further reading
Working with a Third Party
You may want to move into digital work by using an online platform that hosts the content, processes payments, and may also do some promotion. There are many types of work that use these services, including camming, selling content, selling items, and conducting phone sex sessions. The third party takes a cut, just like working in a brothel.
Getting started in camming/content creation
Webcam modelling or ‘camming’ might be a viable option for sex workers who wish to transition from face-to-face sex work to online work during the COVID-19 outbreak. Camming is not necessarily an ‘easy way’ to make extra money, and just like contact-based sex work, it requires commitment, the right gear, and the right mindset.
Camming is done through a third-party platform. Each platform is different and requires research. We have offered a list and some comments later in this document.
Most camming sites will take a decent ‘cut’ (just like brothels do), so be aware that of the amount you see clients tipping or tributing to you, you will only receive a portion of that amount. Camming platform payout times (i.e. when you get your money) can vary, from daily, to weekly / fortnightly, or even monthly. Make sure to thoroughly check the site’s Terms & Conditions before signing up.
Be sure to also check which currency the website is in and to have a look at both the exchange rate and the cut the website takes in order to have an idea of what you’ll really be getting when setting your rates.
Many cam, content-selling and subscription sites will ask for government-issued ID documents or other proof of age and / or a 2257 form, which is an age verification declaration required by distributors of adult content.
While many sites have security measures in place so that your content cannot be easily downloaded, the reality is that there is always the possibility that a customer may be able to either download or record your photos, videos, or live feed in some way, and then share it with others. There are some things you can do to help safeguard against this, such as watermarking your photos and videos with the customer’s information (software like Sparkocam can be used for live videos) but this can still be cropped out or obscured.
Many camming sites allow you to choose which countries/area you wish to broadcast to, and which you want to block. For example, you could block Australia if you don’t want to be discovered by anyone in Aus – unless of course, they use a VPN (they can get around the block) – but it’s a good option to know about/look for in a camming site.
Be aware of time zone differences and think about what countries you want to be broadcasting to. If it’s 11am in the U.S. and you’re finding that it’s quiet, it could be because that’s not a popular time in that country for clients to get online. This may take some testing and some advice from peers.
Platforms for live camming, where clients spend tokens on you, which you can then exchange for money:
- Chaturbate
- LiveJasmin
- MyFreeCams
- SkyPrivate
- Streamate
- ExtraLunchMoney (you can also sell pictures, videos and used underwear here, but only using a token system)
TIP: On some platforms, you can sell videos, photos and other items, either as a one-off sale or with a subscription model. When someone subscribes to your content, they are paying a regular fee to have access to the whole collection of work that you have on the platform, which can be a variety of types of content. It is expected that you update your content regularly, and not all content has to be explicit. You can also upload things like video blogs, selfies, videos of you dancing or cooking naked, etc. This content can be lower-quality (i.e. filmed on your phone, which can be less effort than producing an HD porn video).
Working as a porn performer for established porn companies
The best options for working as a porn performer currently are selling solo videos and images to already-established companies, as social distancing measures don’t really allow contact with new sexual partners and porn companies are likely to be complying with this in their productions.
Here are a few companies you can contact to see whether they are accepting new content. There are many more across the globe, this is just what we’ve compiled from peer advice.
- Feck (,,
- Lustery POV
- Lustery Enough – self-shot so no contact with other people, but must include co-star
- Bright Desire
Other companies that we don’t have strong reports from, but are paying off for some workers:
- Light Southern
Working as a phone sex operator
Most phone sex is now conducted via web platforms. Here are some sites that cater to both voice-only and video calls:
Here’s an article with tips from phone sex operators including this one:
“One of the coolest things about phone sex is that everything is happening in the realm of imagination, so anything is possible. Ever wanted to have sex upside-down in zero gravity on the International Space Station? Now’s your chance. In fantasy, you get to be a superhero, villain, rockstar, or a groupie.
Description is everything in phone sex, so if you’re creating a fantasy scenario, set the scene.
Enrich it with sensory adjectives and really paint a picture with your words. Imagine you’re telling your partner a sexy bedtime story and you want to make it as vivid as possible.” –Ashley M.
Selling videos, photos, and other items online
A subscription service where clients pay per month or per view for pictures. OnlyFans takes a 20% cut of sales, or 15% if the client came to them via your own marketing. Payouts are manual with a minimum withdrawal of $20. This is one of the busiest platforms. It is also one of the platforms we hear the most complaints about. Be aware that this, and most of these sites, are not run by sex workers and do not have sex workers best interests at heart. They are in it for the money.
A subscription service where clients pay per month or per view for pictures and videos. Fansly takes a 20% cut of sales. You may also earn money through other creators and clients using your referral links to sign up to the site. There is no minimum withdrawal amount. Fansly is the most popular of Onlyfans’ competitors. The website is designed to look like a social media feed. Fansly has features such as subscription ‘tiers’ and the option to follow a creator before subscribing. The creator has total control over what the different tiers of subscribers/followers can see. Fansly’s terms of service allow for a greater range of content than Onlyfans, however some kink content is still restricted. Fansly have stated that they support sex workers, however any mention of in-person work is against their terms of service.
A subscription service where you can also sell access to private Snapchat and Instagram accounts. FanCentro takes a 25% cut and pays out weekly.
Images4Sale, Clips4Sale, Videos4Sale
You can sell pictures, videos, and VHS/DVDs respectively. They take a 40% cut and payouts are monthly with a $50 minimum for US users and a $150 minimum for International (including Australian) users.
A hosting site where you can upload individual videos for sale. You can also sell photo sets, video bundles, texting, phone call & video chat packages, used clothing, printed media, and custom videos. ManyVids takes a different percentage cut for each service – they take 40% of earnings from individual video sales, and 20% from custom video sales. Payouts occur fortnightly. ManyVids also has a subscription service called MV Crush. They take a 10% cut, which is one of the lowest out there, but you do need to have 3 videos for sale in your ManyVids store before you are able to open an MVCrush.
A hosting website where you can upload individual videos and pictures for sale. They take a 40% cut of sales. Payouts occur monthly. IWantClips has a subscription service called IWantFanClub. In order to create an IWantFanClub, you need to have 5 items for sale on IWantClips. IWantFanClub takes a 10% processing fee, and then 20% on top of that. There is also IWantCustomClips for custom videos and IWantPhone for phone calls.
A subscription website you can use to sell your pictures, videos and used underwear. JustFor.Fans take a 30% cut of sales. Payouts occur monthly when a minimum of $50 is in your account.
A site where you can sell Skype shows, private Snapchat access, and sell videos/pics. You can also use the website to sell custom videos, phone calls, sexting sessions, etc. IndieBill takes a 15% cut of sales, which is one of the lowest, and payouts are issued twice a month.
“Premium” Snapchat
Different to a standard Snapchat account. Link here to more info.
A site where you can sell individual videos and photo sets, as well as offer a subscription, and sell custom videos. SideDaddy takes a 30% cut on subscriptions and a 40% cut on individual sales. Payouts are weekly so long as you have a minimum of $20 in your account.
Subscription platform where you can also offer private messaging, video and phone calls. Customers pay using ‘Gems’ (ie tokens). RevealMe does not take a cut of sales, but there is a fee for payouts for those outside of the UK. Based in the UK.
A website where you can have a subscription service, sell individual content (videos, photos, and audio), sell custom content and offer live chat sessions. SwiipeUp takes a 20% cut of sales and payouts are weekly. There is currently no minimum amount for payouts, but a $5 fee will occur if lower than $250.
A subscription fanclub platform. AdmireMe takes a 20% cut of sales. Payments are weekly, but there is a minimum payout of £100 for Australian users.
Exclusv.Life is a subscription platform that also has the option for selling premium content on top of the subscription. Exclusv.Life has a sliding scale of percentage taken, with the highest being 20%. Payouts can be daily, weekly, or monthly depending on your preference and there is no minimum.
A website created for the foot fetishists where you upload short videos. A model application process and a DropBox account are required.